Children's Resources

Year 1: God of Wonders

Year 2: Kings & Kingdoms

Year 3: Prophets & Promises

Topical Study: Young Disciples Step 1 (Age 9 and up)

  • Lesson
  • Discussion

Young Disciples is designed to guide students in navigating the foundational teachings of Jesus and the apostles in order to further establish them in their faith as disciples of Christ.

Designed for students age nine and older, this study can be adapted to a variety of cultures and types of gatherings including various size groups of children of different ages in the following settings: student and mentor, individual families, multiple family gatherings where parents, grandparents, or caregivers participate in the class with their children, VBS, Sunday School, or multiple family gatherings where an adult leads the children in this study while parents engage in similar topics.

Young Disciples Step 1 teaches children and mentors what it means to become a disciples and ends with a baptism celebration for any young disciples or mentors who would like to be baptized.

Young Disciples Step 2 teaches children and mentors what it means to live as a disciple and ends with children and mentors taking communion together.

The Worship
The Word
The Way
Discussion slides